Everyone Wants to Live in Madison
I was on my first ever trip to Madison last week. Many cities are good enough to have people brag about them. Indeed, this is to be expected in most places. But Madison is one of those cities that always makes the lists of cool places to live, best places for young people, and best place that ever existed in the history of the world.
But just because a city makes a list doesn't guarantee its growth or prosperity. What's hot today could very well be cold tomorrow. And this is what prompted me to ask the question that was answered with the proclamation that became the title of this post.
And so I asked people this question whenever I met them – at their office, at cool coffee shops, at trendy bars, and at dinner and unique restaurants. I asked it over lunch and when I met folks for the first time. What was it about Madison that made it work so well for so many people?
Read the conclusion at YPCommons.org.
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