Monday, April 06, 2009

Thinking About Having Fun - Video Post

This weekend, I spent most of the time at the Green Business and Living Summit and Expo.

Cool People Care had a booth at the event. We also coordinated a scavenger hunt, brought a Nerf basketball hoop for some prize-winning fun and tried our best to have fun while working on the weekend.

Not every job out there is a roller coaster ride of excitement. But, adding a little bit of fun in our daily routine can make us a bit happier at work. And of course, when we enjoy our work, we'll love our life even more.

So, think about what elements of fun you can add to your workday in order to feel more balanced in life.

Also in this video: a glimpse at what our interns get to do - and how they get to dress.

Having Fun with Cool People Care from Sam Davidson on Vimeo.

Here's the YouTube version.

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