Announces Addition of 30 Cities in 30 Days

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- The creators of, a philanthropic Web site based in Nashville, Tenn., today announce their plans to expand the site into 30 new cities during the month of June. The initiative is called "CoolPeopleCare's 30/30."
Each day, a new city will be added to the site, and that community's charitable events and volunteer opportunities will be listed. As part of the campaign, users can vote on the 30th city to be added during the month. The winner will be announced on Friday, June 22, and will go live on the 30th.
"We get visitors to our site from all over the United States," Sam Davidson, President and Co-Founder of the company, says. "In order to provide a quality online experience for all of our users, we feel it is time to add many more cities across the US."
The following cities will be added on the following dates:
June 1-Portland, OR; June 2-Austin, TX; June 3-Dallas, TX; June 4-Fort Worth, TX; June 5-Louisville, KY; June 6-Phoenix, AZ; June 7-Baltimore, MD; June 8-Charleston, SC; June 9-Denver, CO; June 10-Houston, TX; June 11-Pittsburgh, PA; June 12-Indianaplois, IN; June 13-Seattle, WA; June 14-San Francisco, CA; June 15-Oakland, CA; June 16-Berkeley, CA; June 17-New York, NY; June 18-Chicago, IL; June 19-Charlottesville, VA; June 20-New Orleans, LA; June 21-Charlotte, NC; June 22-Fort Lauderdale, FL; June 23-Orlando, FL; June 24-Tampa, FL; June 25-Raleigh, NC; June 26-Philadelphia, PA; June 27-Lincoln, NE; June 28-Detroit, MI; June 29-Minneapolis, MN.
The Web site's signature feature, "5 Minutes of Caring," is a 99-word daily article featuring helpful hints, practical tips and links to inform readers of the many ways in which they may make a difference in less than five minutes a day. Those who come for this information are directed towards ways to make a difference in their local communities.
Launched in August 2006 in Nashville, Tenn., is an offering of CoolPeopleCare, Inc., a company started by Davidson, and Stephen Moseley, Vice-President.
Since its launch, the site has served more than 200,000 visitors. Davidson says, "Our ultimate aim is to connect willing individuals with great nonprofits near them so that everyone benefits. CoolPeopleCare's 30/30 enables us to do exactly that."
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