Friday, December 01, 2006

Lynnette's Birthday

Lynnette turns a year older today. She is my wife. For that I am lucky and happy.

Lynnette is a year older, and I'm a year better because of our life together. Everyday, I try to appreciate who she is and all she does.

I also wanna give a shout out to Big Guy and Momma Oogle for their raising of Lynnette. I've tried so hard not to screw that up over these last three years (almost) of marriage.

Comments (4)


11:03 AM

Happy Birthday! Blessings always!

yes, please do not screw that up.

Sam - please give Lynnette our heartiest good wishes. We are both very fond of her (and yeah, you're ok too).

Happy B'day..I hope you are taking her out in grand style tonight or sometime soon!


8:13 AM

Sam - we're glad that God led you into our daughter's life. You're blessed to have her as your wife and we are blessed to have you in our family. We pray for many celebrations of life through the years to come. You both are unique precious grace gifts from God!

Mom and Dad Ogle